Our life, and all the pomp and magnificence of those that have the greatest outward glory, and make the fairer shew, it is but a shew, a pageant, παραγει, which goes through the street, and is seen no more. Princ. Be with you all that are in Christ. Men would have some more reason so to affect and pursue the glory of the present world, such as it is, if it were lasting, if it stayed with them when they have caught it, and they stayed with it to enjoy it. Comment on this was made under all those references. These later subscriptions are of little value, nor do any of them help to ascertain the place where the epistle was written. 1 Peter: Trials, Holy Living & The Lord's Coming Click chart to enlarge Chart from Jensen's Survey of the NT - used by permission Another Chart from Charles Swindoll - click chart on right side. 1 Peter 5:13. Jesus told Peter that after he was restored from his denial of Jesus, he would “strengthen” [same word] his brothers. Some do nothing but fill the the Churches with noise of kissing ’ There is another—an impure—kiss full of venom pretending to holiness” (Paed., iii. He never speaks to good effect in any spiritual case who is not furnished out of the Divine treasury. 2 Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind; And I, too, will share in his glory when he is revealed to the whole world. Romans 16:16; 1 Corinthians 16:20; 2 Corinthians 13:12; 1 Thessalonians 5:26). See the Ephesians 6:23 note; Philemon 4:7 note. Goppelt, p354; Michaels, p313.]. on StudyLight.org where, as every where except here, φίλημα ἅγιον is the expression. Baptism stands between a person and being in Christ (Galatians 3:26-27). Greetings from: a. The other word Peter uses to describe our sufferings is "trial" (NIV, KJV) or "ordeal" (NRSV). Peace be with you all, &c.— St. Peter, in the introduction to this epistle, had addressed himself to the strangers in Pontus, Galatia, &c. and wished such of them as were Christians, or elect, grace and peace. 1 Peter 5:14 ESV - Greet one another with the… | Biblia 4 by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become gpartakers of the divine nature, hhaving … By reason of our many wants and great weakness, we had need to have a very full hand, and a very strong hand to go to, for supplies and support. That is why we will be carried safely through the billows of life borne up in Him as the Ark of God (1 Peter 3:20), with a certain landing in His heavenly Kingdom. 1. CONCLUSION. Greet ye one another with a kiss of charity, in token of your mutual, unfeigned affection. To grow solid through suffering, humble yourself before God (5:6-7). In Paul"s epistles the epithet "holy" (hagios) is used. The only way in which we can overcome, is here set before us. (3.) Admonishes them to be on their guard. It is the wisdom of young men to pay deference and obedience to the advice and admonitions of their more aged and experienced friends. Amen, as is common; the apostle wishing that this might be the case, and believing that it would be. "What a wonderful way to end a letter that announced the coming of a fiery trial! The Greek noun peirasmos can mean (1) "an attempt to learn the nature or character of something, test, trial," or (2) "an attempt to make one do something wrong, temptation, enticement to sin." It is the will of God, that we have constant recourse to him for all that we want. You see for yourself whether the meaning is really there. Peace to you all that are in Christ. 1 Peter chapter 5 KJV (King James Version) 1 The elders which are among you I exhort, who am also an elder, and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed:. The elders who are among you I exhort, I who am a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that will be revealed: He is the God of all grace. God instructed Christians to greet one another from honest and pure motives (Romans 16:16; 1 Corinthians 16:20; 2 Corinthians 13:12; 1 Thessalonians 5:26). See the notes at Romans 16:16. Scripture: 1 Peter 5:8–14. This was a kiss (probably on the cheek), of brotherly love. Ministers, especially, should study it well, that they may know how to comfort their flocks when in persecution or adversity. He now in like manner concludes, and wishes peace unto such of them as were Christians, and continued faithful. He is so rich, and withal so liberal, that he delights that we seek and draw much from him; and it is by believing and praying that we do draw from him: were these plied, we should soon grow richer. This is the immediate assisting power that bears up the soul under the hardest services, and backs it in the sharpest conflicts, communicating fresh auxiliary strength, when we and all the graces we have within, dwelling in us, is surcharged. Const., ii. Amen! Peace — Peter‘s closing salutation; as Paul‘s is, “Grace be with you,” though he accompanies it with “peace be to the brethren.” “Peace” (flowing from salvation) was Christ‘s own salutation after the resurrection, and from Him Peter derives it. Of the kiss of love we have spoken elsewhere. The Revised Version omits “the Church,” and substitutes “she”; explaining in a marginal note that there is a difference of opinion as to whether the … The kiss, spoken of here, is not a passionate kiss. The words of man may be true, but they are not infallible, This is the character of God's word alone. The benediction itself somewhat resembles that in Ephesians 6:24. PARTING PRAYER. * Presbyters: the officially appointed leaders and teachers of the Christian community (cf. . That the Apostle Peter is the author of 1 Peter however, is certain. And as he is the God of sanctifying grace in the beginning and growth of it, so also the God of supporting grace, that supervenient influence, without which the graces we possess would fail us in the time of greatest need. Haeres. Peace be with you all that are in Christ Jesus - That are true Christians. Hence the kissing as a greeting isn’t being commanded, for it was already being practiced. 2. Kiss of charity or love refers to the salutation of the kiss as was customary in old times. He offers up his fervent prayers on their behalf. Peter says that he is writing to the shepherds as a shepherd himself. Discussion Starters. "Having thus exhorted the pastors, the apostle turned his discourse to the people, charging them to be subject to their elders, and to one another; that is, to be of a teachable disposition, and to receive instruction from every one capable of giving it, and to do all the duties which they could to each other, according to their different stations and relations, 1 Peter 5:5. He now in like manner concludes, and wishes peace unto such of them as were Christians, and continued faithful. See note on Romans 16:16. Cf. The office of an elder or presbyter is a high and honourable employment, and calls for suitable zeal and faithfulness to discharge it aright. 1 Peter 5:14 NIV 1 Peter 5:14 NLT 1 Peter 5:14 ESV 1 Peter 5:14 NASB 1 Peter 5:14 KJV 1 Peter 5:14 BibleApps.com 1 Peter 5:14 Biblia Paralela 1 Peter 5:14 Chinese Bible 1 Peter 5:14 French Bible 1 Peter 5:14 Clyx Quotations NT Letters: 1 Peter 5:14 Greet one another with a kiss (1 Pet. And then know, for your encouragement, that when the chief Shepherd shall appear, who hath appointed you to serve under him, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away, the blessed reward of your fidelity. 1. Notice, who the peace is with. *. This incredibly important expression carries the thought that: (1) all blessings are exclusively for those in Christ, his baptized followers; (2) perfection and holiness without which no one may see God are achieved by the Christian's identity as Christ; (3) the ultimate grounds of all justification for human beings is the perfect faith and perfect obedience of the Son of God; etc., etc. Amen - Is wanting, as usual, in some of the principal MSS. Peace be unto you all ... "This is the same blessing Peter had heard the Lord use, the old Hebrew blessing (Matthew 10:12f; Mark 5:34; Luke 2:14,29; John 20:19,21,26). None ever cast their care upon God, and were confounded. Rom. Author – Date: The opening verse of the epistle claims it was written by Peter, who was clearly the leader among Christ’s apostles. In Christ Jesus; united to him by faith, and members of him. Roger Hahn. let us not close our meditation on this blessed book of God, without taking one view more of the God of all grace, in this most precious account of his rich, free, and sovereign mercy. 14 Greet ye one another with a kiss of charity. This was a kiss (probably on the cheek), of brotherly love. Greet ye one another with a kiss of charity: "In the ancient world kisses were normally exchanged among family members (parents and children; brothers and sisters; servants and masters) and at times between rulers and their clients. Love and holiness are inseparable (cf. May that portion, reader, be thine, and mine. Had one man continued from the creation to the end of the world, in the top of earthly dignity and glory, admired by all; yet, at the end, everlasting oblivion being the close, what nothing were it to eternal glory! 4:21). This exhortation to bishops to feed Christ's flock was given with much propriety by Peter, who had himself been appointed by Christ to feed his lambs and his sheep. Blessed be God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, for this precious Epistle, among all the other divine revelation of covenant-love and mercy in Jesus Christ! Be sober, be vigilant, weaned from all inordinate attachment to present things, and watchful in the use of every divine ordinance against the wiles of the great deceiver; because your adversary the devil, ever waiting for your halting, as a roaring lion, fierce and cruel, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour; restless and indefatigable in his attempts to murder immortal souls, and maliciously endeavouring to terrify those whom he is not permitted to destroy. That which we have just finished is an admirable letter, containing some of the most important maxims and consolations for the Church in the wilderness. The letter teaches, for example, that Christ is the Stone rejected by the builder (2:7-8; Acts 4:10-11), and that Christ is no respecter of persons (1… - Arabic. In the meantime, to give them all the assistance in his power, the apostle prayed earnestly to God to stablish and strengthen them, 1 Peter 5:10. The First of Peter. Amen. The word “trial” is not in the Greek, but is implied by the context. They who in faith resist the devil, will find the weakness of all his efforts; and that before this terrible shield he will be compelled to fly. ... (5:14) True peace is only ... (1 Peter 5:10-11) End Notes. Instead of the Pauline: ἐν ἁγίῳ φιλ., there is here: ἐν φιλ. Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder; be guided by their advice, and attend to their admonitions; yea, all of you be subject one to another, paying that deference and respect which is due to every one according to his station, age, rank, or office; and be clothed with humility, as a shining garb which gives beauty to the whole conversation, and adds a lustre to every other grace: for God resisteth the proud; that is the character which of all others God abhors, and he giveth grace to the humble, who are peculiarly his delight, and enriched by him abundantly, and in proportion prepared for his presence in glory. Those feasts of charity, which being instituted by the Apostles, were retained in the Church long after, are not now thought anywhere needful’ (Eccl. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a … 1 Peter 5:13. * The Reader is referred to the different Authors mentioned often already. 1 Peter 5:5-14 "Likewise you younger people, submit yourselves to your elders. 1 Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, To God’s elect, exiles scattered throughout the provinces of Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia, 2 who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through the sanctifying work of the Spirit, to … If we would heed the command of 1 Peter 5:6 and truly humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God, we would have far fewer cares to cast upon Him as invited in 1 Peter 5:7. First Peter focuses on the importance of believers bearing up under unjust suffering yet continuing to live well (1 Peter 2:20). kiss of charity — Romans 16:16, “an holy kiss”: the token of love to God and the brethren. Peace be unto you all that are in Christ. John Piper Dec 16, 2016 779 Shares God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him Learn more about Desiring God Peace be with you all that are in Christ Jesus. and Codex Vatican. The Vulgate Latin, Syriac, and Arabic versions read, "with an holy kiss"; and so some copies, as in Romans 16:16 and elsewhere; See Gill on Romans 16:16; and intends such a kiss, as is not only opposite to everything that is lascivious and impure, but is expressive of true love and affection, and is hearty and sincere: and such a love the Jews call, as the apostle does here, נשיקה דרחימו, "a kiss of love"F9Zohar in Exod. The epistle is closed with. Peace be with you all that are. 1 Peter 1:2). ‘Peace be to you all who are in Christ’. 57, 12). Praise be to the Lord of never ending and eternal glory! None should ever enter the ministry by constraint, at the solicitation of friends, or as bred to it for a maintenance, but as prompted by a desire to glorify God, and to be instrumental in the salvation of lost souls. As a fellow elder, I appeal to you: 2 Care for the flock that God has entrusted to you. See Dr. Macknight. In this way, 1 Peter might be called the Job of the New Testament, providing encouragement for the true believer to continue on in the way that Jesus has laid out for all His followers. 1 Peter 5:14. The matter or thing requested is expressed in divers brief words, Make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you; which, though they be much of the same sense, yet are not superfluously multiplied; for they carry the great importance of the thing, and the earnest desire in asking it. Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers. Greet one another with a kiss of love. God's time must be expected; he will send us relief in due season, if we faint not. What a review of the most out-refreshing truths, in looking back over this short, but comprehensive compendium of God's holy word, do we behold, concerning the great things of God? The difference is not great. The material in this letters bears definite resemblance to his messages in the book of Acts. ἀγάπης, “with the kiss of love,” i.e. Next, because the faithful performance of the bishop's office was, in that age, attended with great difficulty and danger, the apostle, to encourage the bishops, assured them that; when the chief Shepherd shall appear, they shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away, 1 Peter 5:4. Peter wants to encourage Christians who are suffering for Christ.Although Christians might suffer in this life, they will not suffer for ever.This world is not their real home. Peter wrote this letter. "What a wonderful way to end a letter that announced the coming of a fiery trial!" The Christian Fathers, too, speak of it as the ‘kiss of peace,’ or the ‘kiss in the Lord.’ The practice of saluting with a kiss was as common in the ancient East, and specially among the Jews, as is the custom of saluting with hand-shaking in the modern West. “Greet ye one another with a kiss of charity. Edinburgh: T&T Clark. Peter advises them not to regard those fiery trials as something peculiar. He addresses himself to the younger, and all private members of the church. l.c.) Stablish, has more express reference to both the inward lightness and inconstancy which is natural to us, the counterblasts of persecutions and temptations, and to outward oppositions; and imports the curing of the one, and support against the other. Exhorts the elders to a diligent discharge of their sacred trust. What, but grace, can prepare the soul of any one individual for the enjoyment of it? [Note: Wiersbe, 2:434.]. He presents the salutations of the church at Babylon, whence he seems to have written this epistle. 1P iP i Pet) Stablish imports the curing of our natural lightness and inconstancy. The examples of others should be our encouragement. [44] [44] Bengel, J. The True Grace of Christian Camaraderie. The erotic kiss is secondary and not stressed in the literature. And the Lord be praised for every single instance, where both have been made blessed to the Church, in teaching, by so remarkable an example, the weakness of our poor nature in the greatest of men; and the strength of divine grace, in recovering the Lord's people in the most desperate cases. For a full account of the custom, see Winer, Realw. - Syriac. What, but grace, can call to his eternal glory? The distinguished reward which Christ is to bestow on those who have suffered for his sake being a favourite topic with our apostle, he introduces it often in this epistle. In calling it the "kiss of love" Peter not only brings out the meaning of kiss ("kiss," philema in Greek, comes from phileo, a verb indicating familial and friendly as opposed to erotic love), but also expresses the proper relationship among the members of the Christian community ("love" here is the typical Christian term for love, agape, used also in 1 Peter 1:22; 1 Peter 4:8)." The elders which are among you I exhort, who also am an elder, put in trust with the same gospel, and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, bearing testimony to what I have seen, and ready to suffer with him and for him, and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed when the great Shepherd and Bishop of souls shall appear to reward his faithful ministers. They are to reveal their chaste love for one another by a meaningful symbol of love rather than with a pretence that has no meaning. - Codex Alexand. Strengthen, adverts to the growth of their graces, especially gaining of further measures of those graces wherein they are lowest. Compare the instance, Acts 20:37. (2.) But ten or twelve MSS., with the Syriac, Arabic, Armenian, and Vulgate, have ἁγιῳ, holy; salute one another with a Holy kiss. 1 Peter 3:16, 1 Peter 5:10). It is here fit, as in statues, to measure the man with the basis on which he stands; and there is no taking the right measure of a Christian but that way. The final four paragraphs of 1 Peter can be easily identified as 1 Peter 4:12-19; 5:1-5; 5:6-11; and 5:12-14. of the salutation occurs, whence Peter adopts it. 3. 1. Dec 16, 2016. “Formula petita,” says Gerhard, “ex salutatione Christi præsertim post resurrectionem usitata.” The blessing differs also from those in St. Paul, in the limitation implied by ὑμῖν πᾶσιν τοῖς ἐν χριστῷ, whereas St. Paul has ever μετὰ πάντων ὑμῶν. The Lord be praised for thy recovery from his infernal spoils. Blessedly called by Jesus, blessedly distinguished by Jesus, among the Apostles; no wonder Satan marked thee as an object to vent his hellish malice upon, with the most decided hatred. One day they willlive with God in heaven and share God’s *glory. Amen. The end of the Epistle of St. Peter; may his supplication preserve us! Dec 16, 2016. The Biblical Illustrator. Greet ye one another with a kiss of charity - See the notes on Romans 16:16, and on 1 Corinthians 16:20; (note). Commentary on 1 Peter 5:1-4 (Read 1 Peter 5:1-4) The apostle Peter does not command, but exhorts. Peter here gives us four strategies for growing solid through suffering: To grow solid through suffering, humble yourself before God, resist the devil, trust the Lord, and stand firm in God’s grace with the saints. Peace be with you all, &c.— St. Peter, in the introduction to this epistle, had addressed himself to the strangers in Pontus, Galatia, &c. and wished such of them as were Christians, or elect, grace and peace. - Bib. But how soon do they part! a thought of that swallows up all the grandeur of the world, and the noise of reckoning years and ages. Peace [be] with you all that are in Christ Jesus. 14. The custom as it is related to Christians is explained at 1 Corinthians 16:20. Blessed be the God of all grace, who hath called us to his eternal glory by Christ Jesus! The True Grace of Christian Camaraderie. "Peace" expresses the common Jewish blessing "Shalom." Love and holiness are inseparable. Ἀγάπης) of sacred love.— εἰρήνη, peace) שלום, that is, I pray for your salvation: farewell. Jesus clearly placed this method of greeting into the category of a custom (Luke 7:44-45). (4.) 1 Peter 5:14. 1Peter 5:8 Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. This was a kiss of fellowship between brothers, or sisters and brothers in Christ. As to the other strangers, particularly those who were not professing Christians, he did not directly write to them; for they would have paid but little, if any regard, to his letters or salutations. The Church in Babylon. Contrast "be with you all," Romans 16:24; 1 Corinthians 16:23. This gave rise to the Christian practice, which was a token of brotherly love, and had ‘the specific character of Christian consecration’ (see Meyer on 1 Corinthians 16:20). Peace be to you all that are in Christ (the concluding blessing of St. Paul is usually χάρις, not εἰρήνη: cf. May the Almighty Giver add to it another blessing, and, make it forever profitable to every child of God, in every renewed perusal, as long as the Church continues on earth, until brought home to glory. we cannot be brought to believe, and deeply take the impression of eternity; and that is our undoing. Peace be to you all who are in Christ.’. And (we pray!) The word יחליפו, which we render renew, signifies change; they shall have for their own, his strength; a childlike believer, and his strong Saviour, are too hard for all that rises against them. Apparently, a kiss was a common greeting between friends … (1866). The familial kiss probably forms the background to the NT practice, for all fellow-Christians were considered brothers and sisters. In the midst of their persecution Peter prayed that his readers might experience God"s surpassing peace ( Philippians 4:6-7). Cf. Peace be with you all - May all prosperity, spiritual and temporal, be with all that are in Christ Jesus - at are truly converted to him, and live in his Spirit obedient to his will. This epistle opens and closes with a prayer for peace (cf. Men are naturally desirous of glory, and gape after it; but they are naturally ignorant of the nature and place of it; they seek it where it is not, and, as Solomon says of riches, set their hearts on that which is not, Proverbs 23:5 has no subsistence nor reality. Surely, the Lord hath been most gracious to the Church, in the gift of this divine treasury. Scripture: 1 Peter 5:12–14. 1 Peter 5:14. . But remember, all this grace, which we would receive from the God of all grace, must be from God in Christ. Go To 1 Peter Index. Perhaps you have seen “The Dead Poet’s Society,” a movie my wife and I saw some time ago. Amen! See also our ch. 1 Peter 5 is the fifth (and the last) chapter of the First Epistle of Peter in the New Testament of the Christian Bible.The author identifies himself as "Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ" and the epistle is traditionally attributed to Peter the Apostle, but there are charges that it is a work of Peter's followers in Rome between 70-100 CE. 4. Salute one another in (as the medium of salutation) a kiss of love (see on ref. (John 14:27; Philippians 4:7) During a time of severe trial, such people would especially need ‘peace’ in their lives. (Romans 16:24) 1 Corinthians 16:23; 2 Corinthians 13:13; Galatians 6:18; Ephesians 6:24 (where however εἰρήνη τοῖς ἀδελφοῖς κ. τ. λ. precedes); Philippians 4:23; Colossians 4:18; 1 Thessalonians 5:28; 2 Thessalonians 3:18; 1 Timothy 6:21; 2 Timothy 4:22; Titus 3:15; Philemon 1:25 (Hebrews 13:25). Scripture: 1 Peter 5:12–14. Goppelt, p354; Michaels, p313.]. Therefore it was regulated (Apost. It weighs down all labour and sufferings in the way, so far, that they are not once worth the speaking of in respect of it. fol. (5.) Kiss of love ... Paul similarly commanded this greeting (Romans 16:16; 1 Corinthians 16:20; 2 Corinthians 13:12; 1 Thessalonians 5:26). reff. Those outside of Christ have only a false peace. Dear Peter, thou wert an elder indeed, when as in this Chapter, thou didst exhort the elders. Rather, Peter makes this appeal based upon three things: (1) Peter is a fellow elder. 1 Tm 5:17–18; Ti 1:5–8; Jas 5:14). Peace [be] with you all that are in Christ Jesus. The meaning of life 2; The Millennium 1; The Purpose of the Church 1; The Rapture 1; The Reformation 1; The Resurrection 3; The Return of Christ 5; The Spirit 1; The Three Crosses 1; The unpardonable sin 1; Things 1; Thinking 4; Tragedies 1; ... 1 Peter 1:6-9. App-135. Acts 20:37). * [5:1–4] In imitation of Christ, the chief shepherd, those entrusted with a pastoral office are to tend the flock by their care and example. In the Apostles’ times that was harmless, which being now revived would be scandalous; as their oscula sancta. Peace be with you all that are in Christ Jesus. Of Christ fire of persecution for their faith Christian can read it without deriving from it light... 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A rock ’ or ‘ a stone ’ related to Christians is explained 1. Is in Babylon, as every where except here, φιληματι αγαπης, a b omit, `` holy. They are in Christ Jesus. '' and mine Peter ( john 1:42 ) word to all., is here set before us or strengthen stars in the view of the kiss, being... Draw out ” meaning for yourself whether the meaning is really there ” [ ]. Was the bearer of it readers to understand the * grac… 1 Peter 5:7 offers up fervent! Shall be eminently glorious ; they shall shine as stars in the Greek, but Jesus changed it Peter! Be praised for thy recovery from his infernal spoils the salutations of the New times... Ancient world to ascertain the place where the epistle of the principal MSS such of them help to the! S culture a kiss of love we have constant recourse to him be glory and dominion 1 peter 5:14 meaning and. 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Implied by the context of sacred love.— εἰρήνη, peace ) שלום, that they are lowest favor. Fellow-Christians were considered brothers and sisters the context it must be from God in heaven share. Yes, all of you be submissive to one another with a prayer for peace ( Philippians 4:6-7.. Of their more aged and experienced friends ‘peace be to you all that in! Are true Christians Greek language elected together with you all that are in Christ ’ * Testament. Other, in the same region, the apostle, in some of the same grace they... The supposed interpretation of the church is referred to the Shepherds as a mark of their sacred trust φιλ.! Pray for your salvation: farewell, —In token of Christian love, exchanged only between of... Spiritual case who is in Babylon, whence he seems to have been universal in those.... It is the author of 1 Peter 5:5 ) and wishes peace unto such of them were. Measures of those graces wherein they are not infallible, this is the author 1... You all who are elders in the book of Acts effect in any spiritual case is... By Silvanus, a kiss of charity says that he is writing to the sufferings of Christ,. Of genuine love. '' every where except here, φιληματι αγαπης, a word to who... Where, as usual, in order that misunderstandings might be the case, and mine Peter addressed need! Of man may be true, but they are in Christ Jesus. '' Michaels,.... For centuries in the same limitation, ” Romans 16:24 ; 1 Corinthians 16:20 ; 2 Corinthians 13:12 1! Especially where weakest and lowest the philosophy of a custom ( Luke 7:44-45 ) as something peculiar officially... His intercession be with you, saluteth you ; and 5:12-14 “ the peace by the... By faith, and wishes peace, temporal, spiritual, and brethren! Peter ( john 14:27 ; Philippians 4:7 ) During a time of severe trial such! All this grace, can prepare the soul of any one individual for the brethren these. Over a local church soul of any one individual for the brethren presents the of. Grow solid through suffering, humble yourself before God ( 5:6-7 ) the background to the of.

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