Learn how your comment data is processed. Here are many translated example sentences containing "ANSWERED PRAYER" - english-spanish translations and search engine for english translations. Ten years ago, we moved three hours away. Though Moses and Samuel stood before me, yet my mind would not be toward this people . This is amazing, Donna! Uwaoma Uzoma from Nigeria. I love all these examples so much and the learnings you shared! A fun fact about me? 1Chron 4:10. I pray this particular reader you mentioned will have this very personal touch from God soon for whatever is going on in her life. Christian Blogger from Uniquely You. by Jesus Ligot From - Posted on Feb 12, 2018. My current answered prayers are the following during the COVID-19 God spoke to me in prayer and told me that everyone connected to me will not receive or have COVID-19. Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth, and let there be continued peace within my heart and life. Stories of answered prayers can strengthen our faith and offer hope and reassurance. He hears and He answers. He surely hears our prayers and answers them! Elizabeth Anderson, Christian Blogger from www.eagle-wings.ca. Check out all the amazing answered prayers you have seen! I left a paper prayer request in the Western Wall (Wailing Wall) asking for a healthy and happy baby if it was His will. God answered Joshua’s prayer and the Sun stood still in heaven and didn’t go down for a whole day. O Daniel, there is an ultimate answer to your prayer, and His Name is Jesus! Overcoming Prayer Obstacles For Busy Women. Joshua responded by assembling his army of mighty men to war against the five kings of the Amorites. We had moved due to my husband going back to college. The following are but a few. … After Jesus had ascended to heaven, the disciples and many other people … Christian Blogger at Life is a Vapor. God's messengers. Jesus said that if we’d do certain things the answer to our prayers was guaranteed: Mark 11:23 … whosoever shall say … and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe (Believe what?gm) that those things which he saith shall come to pass; (What will happen?gm) he shall have whatsoever he saith. 9 Then he said to me, “Prophesy to the breath; prophesy, son of man, and say to the breath, Thus says the Lord GOD: Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these slain, that they may live.” 10 So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived and stood on their feet, an exceedingly great army. Lord Jesus, you are the master of life and death. Subscribe and have access to insider resources. As I was reading this post, all you could hear me say out loud was wow, wow woe! I have seen God answer prayers repeatedly in my life, but until I started using a prayer journal I forgot so many of them. My husband did in fact return to the Lord. I was determined with my last son to stay with him for at least the full year. I’ve had a few of my own prayer miracles just this week and it always amazes me to think about how BIG God is to be working in ALL of his children’ lives in powerful ways. Well, a year came and went and I was still wanting to stay home. While reading them I had a song playing on my radio and it was called, I See Miracles. I know that the changes in my husband and the healing of my marriage are the answer to many prayers said to my faithful Father! I had just given birth to my third son, so at first I chalked it up to having a new baby, but as time went on, I found out that my husband had been having an affair for several months. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. Wow! Side note: Our Facebook community is getting big, quickly! Sorrow was part of her daily life due to her inability to bear children and her rival’s constant provocation. The apostle John wrote, “Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we … Examples of answered prayers in the Bible. Answers that cause earthly joys we once thought gain to become empty, hollow, and loss and that push us to search for the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:8). . 6 One day they will all go Home! Then, within a matter of two weeks, three people contacted me and said that God had prompted them to give us money. The first chapter of Answered Prayers, "Unspoiled Monsters", chronicles the "picaresque" exploits of P.B. But I refused to give up. Today we survey 10 of the shortest prayers with instant answers in the Bible. ❤️ I was in that situation myself really recently, and it was about something near and dear to my heart: examples of answered prayers. He has been so faithful to answer my own prayers whether they be big or small. He prayed and his faith never wavered. I wanted to find a D.O. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. God bless you. Answered Prayer Stories. I'm Betty, the blogger, career person, and family woman behind this site. Jessie is the creator of Pray With Confidence. Click to read all the responses. With him trying to work and go to school, as well as having three young children, our finances were very tight. One of them came to the Lord; the other did not. Answered Prayers. Then I heard God say to me, “that job is for you.”  I couldn’t believe what I heard. Here is a collection of true stories of answered prayers and miracles from people whose lives have been blessed by God. Praise God for all these wonderful testimonies. He answered them through my greatest support system: my dad and the rest of my family. We serve an incredible God and His will and timing is always best. These people were once sinners just like we are. I am a living testament to that FACT. The prayers always answered positively are the prayers which explicitly ask God to deliver on his promises to us. We’d had our cell group praying as well, but we assumed that it wasn’t God’s timing. A few years ago the company I worked for closed down. I greatly enjoyed reading through these answered prayers tonight! I hear to report that five different members have been tested for COVID-19 and all results have come back negative . He lined up everything having to do with the surgery for me, and I came out of it stronger than I’ve ever been. Seek God for who He is and not just for what you can get. But there was no breath in them. The story of Joshua, has Increased my faith in God An example of answered prayer. Suddenly I was a single mom working three jobs, and barely getting by. and she said, “We actually have one starting here soon. Our church prayed. When we got back together, we began attending a new church, and became involved in several activities and Bible studies and the suggestion of my husband! 5 Biblical Examples of Answered Prayers Hezekiah (2 Kings 20:1-6). Since these accounts were written by eyewitnesses to the events, they constitute clear evidence of answered prayer. Hezekiah must have been a man of prayer. A Sign of Answered Prayer. God answers even our simple prayers. Nothing seemed to make a lasting difference until I asked God to heal my, foot. So I prayed to God for a way to make money so I won’t have to go back to a full-time job. Required fields are marked *. Pray for the impossible and expect answer from the God of all possibilities. Prayer for the Holy Spirit. Therefore prayer of thanks is crucial in our lives as we embark on our daily activity and we must not be short of this if we will not be numbered among the ungrateful nine lepers.These best prayer for thanking God for answered prayer is here to make you offer sincere thanks to the God of all for answered prayer.Go ahead to pick any of these for your sacrifice of thanks. Six years total in remission and medication-free, He has made me whole again. Your email address will not be published. The 5 biblical examples of answered prayers we will be looking at are; Before I start, I encourage you to keep a tab on true life Testimonies of Faith and Answered Prayers. Thank you for gathering these stories and sharing them here in one spot. Here was a prophet of God sent directly to inform him to put his house in order and be prepared to die. One day while at church, the pastor announced a position for the church secretary had opened. I’m leaving my info on your Twitter post please return favor❤️ God bless. God fulfilled his promise to Joshua and delivered the Amorites into the hand of the Israelites but there was a setback. The answered prayers felt like confirmation that we were right where we were supposed to be. One of the other candidates was friends with the pastor…this didn’t look very promising…but I held on the word the Lord had told me. She was one of the long-legged breeds. I am so thankful for an understanding God! The answer may not come when you expect it to, but rest assured, it will come, exactly when you need it, all in His perfect timing. 1Samuel 1:7 And as he did so year by year, when she went up to the house of the Lord, so she provoked her; therefore she wept, and did not eat. Through my recovery I prayed. This is beautiful. of uncertainty too. Pray for me to have Job and settlement. When God begins to answer our prayers, we often find his answers disorienting. The changes in him have in fact, been unbelievable! But God heard all of those prayers. Prayerfully reject whatever you don’t want in your life. Would I ever become a mom? It is true when we call on God in the day of trouble, he will answer us. Malachi 1:7-9 Each answered prayer, I believe, helps strengthen our faith. Also, I wanted to say that I love Jack Russell terriers. Instead, Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed reminding God how he had walked with Him in his youth. Would I ever have a baby of my own? Not only did my husband tell me that he was choosing the other woman, but he also said he no longer considered himself a Christian. I love shopping! Ever have a hard conversation about Christianity, where you really don’t know how to respond? Such situations may prompt us to question the validity of our faith and wonder whether the whole concept of God’s existence is a sham. Father, I give You all the glory and praise that is due to Your great name. I am convinced that the ultimate answer to the Daniel Prayer today is still Jesus. And it may make us wonder whether the whole concept of God’s existence is a sham. It would only be fair to get the whole Pray With Confidence community to respond. We have talked about starting a special Facebook group, make sure to sign up below if you are interested in being a part of it! Peter is in prison for preaching the gospel; the church prayed for his release. Unbeknownst to us, God had been working the whole time to make the trip happen.”, Summer Marrero Cordón I don’t tell you all of this to make you feel sorry for me but only to, let you know that it was a devastatingly hard time. Here are the answered prayers you may be looking for to inspire you! And I will bring you into the land of Israel. God is incredible! Genesis 15:2-4 But Abram said, “Lord God, what will You give me, seeing I go childless, and the heir of my house is Eliezer of Damascus?” #answeredprayer #bloggerstribe #teacupclub, 11 New Year’s Prayers to Begin with Favour and Blessing, End of Year Reflection and Outlook for the New Year. God will always say Yes when we ask him to do his work through his word. I prayed for my husband to want us back. And now you have once again done all you said you would do. The denial, anger, bargaining, depression… and finally, acceptance. But it will always be for our good and His glory. The incessant prayers reached God’s throne room and He sent His angel to miraculously rescue Peter from the prison where he was bound in chains between 2 soldiers. Friends and people we didn’t even know prayed. I have seen God answer prayers repeatedly in my life, but until I started using a prayer journal I forgot so many of them. I have found at least six basic prayers God will always answer. You see, I had my first child at the age of 19 so after staying home with her for 6 months, it was time to go back to work to make some money. God didn’t answer my prayers quickly, but in time, things began to change. We truly do have a God who cares! It looked withered and dead. A few years later, my husband and I had another child. God has heard your prayers Sometimes God has answered the prayer already but you don’t see the answer in the way that you wanted to or sometimes He is aligning everything perfectly at His pace. There have been many true stories about people getting healed or experiencing miracles … In vs 20, she got the answer to her prayer, a male child Samuel and five additional children. My husband needed me. Expect the Unexpected. 1. Read: Answered Prayers: Love Letters from the Divine. Desperate situations call for desperate actions, so make a vow to God and endeavor to keep the vow when the time comes. What Examples of Answered Prayers Have You Witnessed? It is always awesome to hear other people’s stories of answered prayer! Then I was calling around trying to find doctors for all of us. 1. Suni Piper, Christian Blogger from A Surrendered Life. I would say he was more like the man I married, but that isn’t true, he was far better than that man. God answered my prayer and that was my first miracle in my whole life. Michelle Kinyungu 2. My name is Chuck from Marshville, Wisconsin and for the past five years my wife and I have been missionaries in the mountains of the Philippines along with our four children. Emily’s Dresses: A Story of Answered Prayers, 6 Mighty Prayers God Answered in the Bible, 5 Keys To Effective Spiritual Battle Prayers, The  Power of Faith During a Major Life Challenge, 19 Bible Verses That Reveal the Will of God. The next week when I got home I found I was pregnant with my son. Learn how your comment data is processed. Before I go into the lessons learned on Hezekiah’s answered prayer, here’s a book I can never forget in my life. To see how you pray for people selflessly and how God answers is amazing! (Emphasis mine – Jeremiah 11:14 and 14:11-12 are similar.) This post contains affiliate links and I may earn compensation if you click on the links at no additional cost to you. . Yet, being still, listening to each person, waiting upon the Lord, and then following the promptings, the sessions end with some sense of hope. As the virus spread, I lost the blood flow to my limbs and my kidneys started to shut down. It takes boldness and humility to be able to fully lay that at His feet. Expect the miraculous. In the heat of the battle, Joshua did a new thing by commanding the Sun and Moon to stand still. Altogether the amount came to exactly what we’d needed! hard. Collene, Christian Blogger at Rest and Chaos. Before my son, I ended up miscarrying a baby and it was incredibly God does hear our prayers when we ask in faith. I was ecstatic. One of the biggest answered prayers God has given me is my son. It is always darkest before dawn, and one thing I’m sure of is that God does not forsake the righteous. 1. Then the waiting game started…the process was so long. May God Continue blessing you with wisdom. Lessons Learnt About Hezekiah’s Answered Prayer, Lessons Learnt About Hannah’s Answered Prayer, The Church, When Peter Was Imprisoned (Acts 12:1-17), Lessons Learnt About the Church’s Answered Prayers, Lessons Learnt About Joshua’s Answered Prayer, Lesson Learnt About Jabez’s Answered Prayer, Testimonies of Faith and Answered Prayers, Answered Prayers: Love Letters from the Divine, Answered Prayer… Guaranteed! My hands and feet were amputated. After having my son, I decided I wanted to stay home with him to watch him grow up. Thank you for this blessing! The first thing I did was go to you all in this wonderful community. Seek God’s will. We thank you for this answered prayer But even more for another revelation that you are the God who answers prayer. I wanted to be a full-time mom. Many are the auctioneer of the righteous but the Lord delivers him from them all. My zeal for God made me develop this site. My husband had walked away from the Lord seven years prior. We can be encouraged that He will answer our prayers. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The story of Hezekiah is a great inspiration. Thank the Lord for people like you taking their time to be able to help others to ease of finding things in the bible and explaining it. Blessed to know you <3, Do you have those times you cry, but it’s a good thing? When we pray, we need to believe that God will answer us. The Tax Collector’s Prayer – One of the simplest, but most eloquent expressions of true contrition … And the healing began. Would I ever become a mom? Prayer is communication that should be enjoyed. In many other instances, when my husband and I have had a disagreement, I asked the Lord to reveal the truth to my husband. Love everything you write <3. : The Power of Praying with Faith. Thank you for encouraging us! God bless you. Marilyn, Christian Blogger at Keepers At Home. I was able to go to work on Saturday for a few hours and still was able to be a full-time mom as I wanted. I began to pray like I have never prayed before. Without a doubt, it must have been a tense atmosphere where both wives were always trying to outdo each other. Hi Michelle, Sometimes in life, we may experience certain situations and circumstances that defy simple understanding and faith. A Prayer For What Only God Can Achieve Being able to listen to God and trust in His power is a major key to instant answer to prayer. 3. Here is my life story!”. Hi James, The best gifts really are gifts from above and each day I think God for my children. What an incredible and encouraging post about answered prayers! I prayed and asked God to intervene, to change the situation I found myself in, and He did. That was the situation in Elkanah’s home, he loved Hannah more, though she was childless. My kids needed me. Here are five of his most frequent answers: "No, I love you too much." So today, I witness for the Lord through my blog, One Exceptional Life, where I help women overcome their challenges through faith, gratitude, kindness and positivity. who had experience in both pediatrics and adults. I prayed a lot about it and we ended up visiting Israel over We sure do <3 Thank you for sharing your story, Summer! 13 And you shall know that I am the LORD, when I open your graves, and raise you from your graves, O my people. Everything I have is … She told me her life story and asked: In today’s world, does God still perform miracles? Thank You, Lord, for answered prayers and for granting me the desires of my heart today. It’s simply the created talking to the Creator, giving and getting information that deepens the bond of fellowship and caves in the divide between both parties. When you are in a challenging moment, remember answered prayers in your own lives and the lives of those around you. They sought the Lord and prayed according to His will and He answered them. The Big Question: Are there Still Answered Prayers and Miracles Today? The type of work I do (my mission and calling outside of writing) is working with people who are lost, broken, hurting, dealing with past trauma, and suffering addiction. She sought God despite her childlessness and in due time God answered her prayers and opened her womb. How is it that God performs miracles, then I can move on so quickly to expect Him to answer another prayer in my life? The fact that the Bible described Peninnah her husband’s wife as her rival reveals the atmosphere in their home. The majority of the time, we hang out, How Christian Writers All Around the World Have Seen Answered Prayers. you are a true woman of God, thank you for this site my faith has indeed been Boosted. special stretching exercises and wore special shoes. Behold, they say, ‘Our bones are dried up, and our hope is lost; we are indeed cut off.’ 12 Therefore prophesy, and say to them, Thus says the Lord GOD: Behold, I will open your graves and raise you from your graves, O my people. JB Bookstore—named for my brother—was more than a coffee shop with books. I didn’t stay home with him long either. We will review 5 biblical examples of people who prayed and received answers to their prayers and some lessons learned from their specific situation or circumstance. A few months ago my kids and I even had the pleasure of seeing him get baptized. I’m thankful that the post blessed you. After the Christian faith … Bible also recorded that she was grieved and in bitterness of soul. As surely as the Lord lives who made the dry bones to live again, your sister shall be well. You are an absolute example of answered prayers- and not just the big 2011 one. Yes, God does answer the prayers of His Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender children! I did. Plus receive regular updates. I love reading all of these real life stories. I make it a point to pray quietly in my office over my caseload. Thank you! She fought long and hard against God for creating a website about prayer, telling God for two years that He was picking the wrong person. Keep on trusting God and he will fulfill the desires of your heart. God not only saved my hubby but my marriage, too. When I don’t have answers I just need to trust that God still has me! You may also like: Fasting and Persistence in Prayer. ❤. baby? My husband was working overseas on a month long project when I began to lose the baby, I had just started a new job, and even worse my new job was right next to the labor and delivery unit at a He had begun going back to church, and it was clear he was determined to fix what had broken between us. Gatherings, birthday celebrations, and outings missed because I wasn’t well. I am forever thankful to God! Need to translate "ANSWERED PRAYER" from english and use correctly in a sentence? She just isn’t on our website yet. We may not always get the answer we want. However, that just wouldn’t go with the vibe of Pray With Confidence at all. Thank for this encouragement today! Like prayers for cheap groceries and a doctor. Lastly, for him to be able to boldly call God to remembrance of his past deeds showed he had walked before God uprightly. The numerous definitions and expressions of prayer have somewhat left many “prayer … Isaiah 65:24 “ Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear.” At just the right time everything will come together. A few years ago, at 21, I discovered I had a mass of scar tissue in my abdomen that had gradually gotten so bad, food could barely pass through. This post on answered prayer with these awesome testimonies has encouraged me as I wait. Time and interviews, but one of the way flaws in myself now a of! For us girls own, so make a vow to God in the same vein, there is an answer... Every prayer were the one who gives us strength to pray like I have seen answered prayers God has them! Be like when we ask in faith t imagine what heaven will be like when we sometimes doubt years in. Assumed that it wasn ’ t use her sorrowful state as an excuse to stay with. To put his house in order and be prepared to die Christian churches & ministries jessiesynan.com. 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