var __SPECTOR_Origin_EXTENSION_OffscreenGetContext = OffscreenCanvas.prototype.getContext; Greenpeace said the inert boulders, which they were spacing at precise intervals inside the Dogger Bank protected area, would not have a significant … PUBLISHED: 06:24, Fri, Jan 8, 2021 | UPDATED: 11:36, Fri, Jan 8, 2021. The 50-square mile Dogger Bank area was designated a Special Area of Conservation in 2017 - but environmental campaigners Greenpeace have accused Boris Johnson of … See what we stand for Our History & Successes In 1971, our founders set sail to an island in the Arctic. Doggerbank/ Nordsee, 22. Subscribe to the digital edition for just £20 a year, or enjoy it for free courtesy of Oceanographic’s partnership with Project AWARE®. Esperanza in the Dogger Bank - GP1SUCIP The Greenpeace ship, Esperanza, is seen in the Dogger Bank area of the North Sea. if (!arguments.length) { No cost, no catch. Greenpeace said the boulders were being spaced at precise intervals inside the Dogger Bank protected marine area and wouldn't harm the seabed. The Greenpeace ship, the Esperanza, is in the Dogger Bank, the North Sea. (function() { BE PART OF IT. Greenpeace is a movement made up of people like you. In September 2020, we returned to the Dogger Bank with our largest vessel, the Esperanza, and more than 30 tonnes of granite to deploy our first set of boulders into our new bottom trawler exclusion zone. So, here are the reasons why we did it, how we did it and how it fits into our global vision for ocean protection. Dogger Bank C and Sofia joint application for planning permission to Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council – 10 September 2020. Greenpeace said the inert boulders, which they were spacing at precise intervals inside the Dogger Bank protected area, would not have a significant … It beggars belief that this Government continues to call itself a ‘global ocean champion’ when it leaves its own seas at the mercy of destructive industrial fishing. They even voted down amendments to the new Fisheries Bill which would have banned supertrawlers from fishing in our protected areas. Miljøaktivistene i Greenpeace dumpet tirsdag på nytt tonnevis av tunge granittsteiner på Doggerbank øst for Storbritannia. 0 Link copied. Join our community. Die Umweltschützer versuchten von Schlauchbooten aus, Bojen in die Öffnung des Netzes zu hängen, dass das Fangschiff gerade hinab Greenpeace said the inert boulders, which they were spacing at precise intervals inside the Dogger Bank protected area, would not have a significant … var myEvent = new CustomEvent("SpectorWebGLCanvasAvailableEvent"); Their mission? On Tuesday activists dropped 15 granite boulders onto the sandy seabed of Dogger Bank. This ban will be easier to enact after Britain leaves the European Union’s Common Fisheries Policy. Dogger bank är nämligen en sandbank. Your first name. Read also Greenpeace … In just two weeks, researchers on the Arctic Sunrise witnessed 19 industrial bottom trawlers ploughing the Dogger Bank’s protected seabed. } // context.canvas.setAttribute("__spector_context_type", arguments[0]); It’s filled with beautiful wildlife like flatfish and starfish. Greenpeace uses non-violent creative action to pave the way towards a greener, more peaceful world, and to confront the systems that threaten our environment. var context = null; We then placed these final two sculptures into the Dogger Bank bottom trawling exclusion zone, turning our boulder barrier into an artistic installation at sea. Sign up for emails. The Dogger Bank is the UK’s largest sandbank. “We have carefully and precisely placed these inert natural boulders in this new properly protected area, which when complete will be permanently off limits to all bottom trawling. var __SPECTOR_Origin_EXTENSION_GetContext = HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext; Several more NGOs have followed Greenpeace in decrying what they have called illegal fishing on the North Sea's Dogger Bank. När Greenpeace hävdar att det är skadligt, exempelvis när det gäller fisket på Dogger bank, så ljuger de. Created with sketchtool. return context; } return context; var context = null; Greenpeace said the inert boulders, which they were spacing at precise intervals inside the Dogger Bank protected area, would not have a significant impact on the seabed but would stop destructive bottom trawling. } A government consultation launched in October asked for evidence on the impact of fishing in four protected areas, including Dogger Bank. Despite the Dogger Bank being formally designated as a Special Area of Conservation in 2017, the UK Government has failed to implement effective management measures to properly protect the area. Greenpeace investigators also discovered widespread illegal fishing activity in the protected area. 2004 – Aktivisten der Umweltorganisation Greenpeace haben heute an einen Fischtrawler gegen die weitere Zerstörung der Doggerbank protestiert. None of this a surprise when you learn about the destructive practices that our government still allows in our MPAs. Any bottom trawler that attempts to fish around our boulders risks snagging its gear, and damaging it. The Dogger Bank protected area is one of these paper parks. if (typeof OffscreenCanvas !== 'undefined') { But Greenpeace said that bottom trawling is continuing, destroying the seabed and wiping out sea creatures which are a vital part of the marine food-chain. Dabei kam es zu einer Auseinandersetzung mit der Besatzung eines zweiten Trawlers. Greenpeace-Aktive hatten im Juli im Adlergrund und im August im Fehmarnbelt ebenfalls große Granitsteine zum Schutz der dortigen Natura2000-Gebiete versenkt. The UK government is one of them, and it has admirably spearheaded the Global Ocean Alliance, a group of nations which publicly support the 30×30 target. For several years, Greenpeace has been campaigning for a new Global Ocean Treaty to replace our broken system of global ocean governance. Greenpeace said the inert boulders, which they were spacing at precise intervals inside the Dogger Bank protected area, would not have a significant impact on the seabed but would stop destructive bottom trawling. No investigations have been launched, and they’ve given no commitments to properly protect our oceans or the Dogger Bank. Greenpeace activists have informed the relevant marine authorities to ensure navigational safety for mariners in the area. This is not intended to protect the seabed. The move closes 50 square miles of Dogger Bank from bottom trawling and Greenpeace says it will continue to place boulders on the seabed until the UK Government properly protects the marine reserve. These bottom trawlers are directly destroying the Dogger Bank’s protected feature, the seabed, which is in “unfavourable” condition. context.canvas.setAttribute("__spector_context_type", arguments[0]); Get access to nearly 50 years of journalism at the Ecologist Archive. Antes de emprender esta acción, los activistas se pusieron en contacto como el capitán del barco arrastrero y le demandaron que abandonara la Reserva Marina del Dogger Bank. WWF, Client Earth and other NGOs lodged an official legal complaint against the UK, Dutch and German Governments in 2019 over their failure to properly protect the Dogger Bank from bottom trawling [4]. We will remove them only when our Government takes the necessary action to properly protect the Dogger Bank.”. But the Dogger Bank MPA is protected in name only. Dangerous, illegal and irresponsible – that’s how UK fishing organisations have described the actions of Greenpeace in the North Sea after campaigners dumped giant boulders in the Dogger Bank. //
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