Give students 2 days to design and complete their metal mirror. Shop the finest authentic rustic furniture, mexican furniture, talavera tile and pottery, mexican tin mirrors, and more. Mexican History. The rabbit spirit is talking to the lord, with its speech scroll passing directly over the mirror. Most Maya mirrors were backed with slate and a few were backed with sandstone or ceramic, some may have been backed with shell. Iron pyrite mosaic mirrors were fashioned by fixing pieces of pyrite together on a thin disc that was usually crafted from slate. [6] It is probable that these Toltec mirrors were identified as representations of the sun. [38] An Olmec mining colony has been identified in the Cintalapa valley. [18], Representations of mirrors in art from Classic period Teotihuacan and Guatemala's Pacific coastal region depict the mirror face using a glyph in the form of a reptile's eye, the meaning of which is not clear. Of these, three were holding large discs that have been identified as representations of mirrors. 11/04/2009 in 12+ years old , 6 - 12 years old , Art , Crafts , Crayons & Pastels , Cultural & World Crafts , Drawing & Illustration , Group , Homeschooling , Paper Crafts | Permalink [36] All of these mirrors had drilled holes near their edges and were probably worn as chest ornaments since many Olmec figurines depict such mirrors being worn. From early in Mesoamerica's history, the use of iron ore mirrors was associated with a hereditary elite class. [21], During the Early Postclassic (c.900–1200) the Toltec inhabitants of Tula in Central Mexico favoured a back mirror in the form of a central disc crafted from iron pyrite surrounded by representations of the Xiuhcoatl fire-serpent depicted with mosaicwork fashioned from turquoise. People also love these ideas Pinterest. [74] Aztec rulers used a double-sided obsidian mirror to oversee their subjects; by gazing into one side the ruler could see how his subjects were comporting themselves and in the other side his subjects could see themselves reflected back. If the child's reflection was dark then his soul, or tonalli in Nahuatl, had escaped from his body. We offer over 75 different styles of Mexican mirrors … [54] Acanceh is an Early Classic Maya site in Yucatán that also displays the influence of Teotihuacan. Auguste Génin, a Mexican collector of French descent, assembled a large collection of Pre-Columbian objects in Mexico City at the turn of the twentieth century. Sharer and Traxler 2006, p.301. Mexican hojalata (tin art work) is created by stamping, punching and cutting tin shapes. Such jade pendants are depicted frequently in Teotihuacan art falling in streams. The mirror itself may have symbolised war in Teotihuacan; the combination of its association with fire and water may have been a precursor of the Aztec atl-tlachinolli, Nahuatl for "water-fire", the phrase that the Aztecs used for war. A second obsidian mirror, held by the British Museum in London, presents us with yet more intrigue. 4. Ancient Mexican mirrors, such as these from Génin's collection, survive today in many shapes and sizes. 684. In the past 20 years, 119 journalists have been killed in Mexico, making that country the most dangerous in the world for reporters. Mirrors worn on the back and the chest could have served a dual protective function, deflecting physical blows as well as supernatural attacks. Large quantities of mirrors have been recovered from some highland sites, such as Kaminaljuyu and Nebaj in the Guatemalan Highlands. [58] A mural at the Tetitla compound of Teotihuacan depicts a spider-woman deity standing in a mirror-bowl. Typically referred to as artesanías, Mexican folk art often has a purpose beyond the decorative and is typically crafted by someone with no formal training (often from an indigenous group). La Fuente Imports offers one of the largest collections of Mexican and Southwestern home accessories, furnishings, and handmade art. Both flowers and butterflies were associated with fire at Teotihuacan,[12] with butterflies symbolising flames. [50] Circular mirrors at Teotihuacan were associated symbolically with eyes and faces, flowers and shields;[6] they are quite frequently encountered during excavations in the ruined city. The Roaring Twenties History. [3] Ceramic incense burner figurines from the Escuintla region of Pacific Guatemala frequently depict the wearing of mirrors upon the chest. The piñata’s popularity is heightened by the candies and toys hidden inside. [45] The grinding of the concave surface was done manually, probably using powdered iron ore as an abrasive. Give students 2 days to design the mirror frame with a mosaic. [66] A back mirror is represented on Late Classic Stela 11 from Yaxchilan on the Mexican bank of the Usumacinta River. Most of our tin mirrors can be hung horizontally or vertically. The earliest stone mirrors in Mesoamerica pre-date the rise of the Olmec civilization, with examples being dated as far back as the middle of the 2nd millennium BC. [15] These representations of water-associated mirrors in Mesoamerican art apparently use the mirror to symbolise the surface of a pool of water. [10], By the Classic period (c.AD 250–900) iron pyrite was the mineral of choice for fashioning mirrors. "It is very natural that the history written by the victim," said a Mexican who lived in California in 1874, "does not altogether chime with the story of the victor." The deity was supposed to observe everything that happened in the world through his mirror. Kerr 1998b. Jade beads were associated. [20], From the Classic period mirrors began to be associated with spider webs, perhaps due to the network of lines on the surface of mosaic mirrors that developed at that time. [21], Mirrors have been identified with the sun in Mesoamerica since the Preclassic period, when the Olmecs associated the two. Jade – Mirrors that used jade as part of their design were popular in the Teotihuacan and the Mayan territories. [34] Towards the end of this period, mirror production at San José declined and halted altogether. First populated more than 13,000 years ago, central and southern Mexico, (termed Mesoamerica), saw the rise and fall of complex indigenous civilizations.Uniquely in the Western Hemisphere, Mesoamerican civilizations developed glyphic writing systems, recording the political history of conquests and rulers. [64] These scenes appear to represent what the Maya believed was happening on the other side of the surface of their mirrors. [3] Mirrors were manufactured by using sand or some other abrasive material such as hematite powder to polish the iron ore until it produced a highly reflective surface. [23], The Huichol people of the Nayarit state of western Mexico have a considerable body of native lore regarding mirrors. The History of the Sombrero January 18, 2018 . Some mirrors were framed with wood or bone, or a combination of the two, although these materials are poorly preserved in the archaeological record. Mexican mirrors incorporating embossed tin frames and bright colored frames have been functional art since the 1500’s. 567. There are 1401 mexican mirror for sale on Etsy, and they cost $65.34 on average. [75], An Aztec hemispherical iron pyrite mirror in the collection of the Musée de l'Homme in Paris has a sculpted representation of the wind god Ehecatl on its convex back. The slate was often finely sculpted and circular in shape; these mirrors could be much larger than earlier mirrors and mosaic mirrors represented in Mesoamerican art suggest that they may have reached sizes of over 30 centimetres (12 in). Almere Read and González 2000, p.250. Mirrors produced at San José Mogote were distributed to relatively distant places such as Etlatongo and the Olmec city of San Lorenzo. [62] [36], Several dozen Olmec iron ore mirrors are known but only a few of these have been recovered in secure archaeological excavations. La Fuente Imports offers one of the largest collections of Mexican and Southwestern home accessories, furnishings, and handmade art. Hundreds of such mirrors have been recovered from archaeological sites in the Maya region. 3. We offer an extensive collection of high quality tin framed mirrors. [21] In Huichol mythology, fire first appeared as a mirror. Teacher introduces students to Mexican folk art and Mexican mirrors. The structure in question was apparently the residence of an elite status courtier. However, as time progressed paper craft in Mexico developed into that which we see today – the delicately laser cut banners and strings of bunting (banderolas) that decorate public buildings and houses across Mexico. Healy and Blainey 2011, p.237. This scene is unlikely to represent the application of cosmetics in a modern sense, since the reflection provided by an iron ore mosaic mirror was unlikely to be of great use due to the distorted image it presented. [61] Large mirrors were also placed upon the chest of the deceased at Kaminaljuyu. They said the mirror is worth about $30,000.00. Mexican Mirrors Notice the bright colors and patterns! I just love this class!!!! This video was created to teach children about a form of Mexican folk art, "hojalata" or tin art. Dee was a … One Olmec mirror had a back that was ground smooth and highly polished. [23] Advances in the decipherment of Maya script have revealed the central function of mirrors as instruments for ritual scrying. Students view several artworks by these artists and … In the Mexican markets, in the brightly coloured stalls, you can find mirrors made from tin foil. Time: 4 lessons, 50 minutes each Lesson Introduction and Motivation: Teacher introduces students to Mexican folk art and Mexican mirrors. 567. The association of mirrors with water in central Mexican art persisted right up to Aztec times. Read full article. When Mexican strikers were offered a deal that would sabotage their … 2 0 obj %���� [29] At Paso de la Amada, a Mokaya site in the Soconusco region of southern Chiapas, iron ore mirrors were excavated that have been dated to between 1400 and 1100 BC. The written history of Mexico spans more than three millennia. Healy and Blainey 2011, p.233. Each frame is available Silver and Creamed Coffee Color Frames. [42] These are counted as among the most outstanding examples of iron ore workmanship that the Olmecs produced. [19], Teotihuacan had strong contacts with the distant Maya city of Kaminaljuyu, which covered an area now enveloped by modern Guatemala City. Mexican Mirrors. Water-filled bowls have been used as mirrors for divinatory purposes right up to modern times in Mesoamerica and the American southwest. endobj [24], Mirrors excavated from Maya tombs have been found placed near the head, the chest, the small of the back, the groin and the feet of the deceased. They get overall concept so well then express their artistic side with freedom -nothing holds them back. ;�u��!�B��LZ�d��IP� el���P�/�M�F��H�k��B�_, [24], Maya mirrors and their use are depicted on Classic Maya polychrome ceramics, where pictorial vases frequently depict scenes from courtly life. [7] Among the Maya of the Classic period mirrors were a means of communication with otherworld entities, as depicted in scenes painted on ceramic vessels. [2] Mirrors in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica were fashioned from stone and served a number of uses, from the decorative to the divinatory. [36] By the Middle Preclassic period the production of high status stone artefacts, including mirrors, was probably already being carried out by specialist artisans. History of Mexican Tile. [9], Tikal Stela 31 includes mirror imagery in the Teotihuacan warrior garb of king Yax Nuun Ayiin depicted on its sides. ��H�o�E^�{�����VfQ ȣ�~l���m7����1����\V������|��[}+�~���{C�A������L=+ۗx��6��bV����� u[r�a[���a�7�� GIXU��U��*���G\�c��*j%,�G��(�f�]����,9�2�¦��ʜ,[���@�F>� � Mexican Crafts Mexican Folk Art Mexican Style Ck Summer Arte Elemental Hispanic Art Art Du Monde 4th Grade Art Grade 3. [17] Jade also had an association with water. [24], The first Olmec mirrors were found during archaeological excavations in the early 1940s. These costume mirrors were forerunners of the Aztec tezcacuitlapilli, which was a mirror worn on the lower part of the back. In native accounts they were usually described as deer. [53] On some mirrors, these spools were placed near the rim; there are examples both in art and from excavation at Kaminaljuyu, of jade spools being placed in the centre of the mirror. [13], Mirrors were also associated with water; an Early Classic mirror in the style of Teotihuacan was excavated at distant Guácimo in Costa Rica. Healy and Blainey 2011, p.232. You guessed it: silver. To give her some ideas, tell her that Mexican art traditionally includes tin geometric designs, flowers, animals, suns, moons, stars, birds, butterflies, and other animals around mirrors. An incense burner from Early Classic Escuintla on the Guatemalan Pacific slope combines butterfly and water imagery. [6] The Huichol use circular glass mirrors for divination; in the Huichol language they are called nealika, a word with a dual meaning of "face". [24] Archaeological investigation of one of the rapidly abandoned buildings of the Late Classic royal palace at Aguateca in the Petexbatún region produced 300 pyrite and indicates the likely presence of a mirror workshop within the royal court. Notice how the design goes all the way around! Although mirrors are represented on ceramics, mirrors rarely appear on publicly visible art, such as Maya stelae or openly visible Maya architecture. [24] Production was likely to have been so specialised that they were made by high-status artisans dedicated to their manufacture, who may have been members of the aristocracy or even royalty. [13], Tomb A at La Venta is one of the oldest formal tombs in Mesoamerica, dating to about 600 BC. colorful Mexican Mirrors! [28] Mirrors with Maya glyphs on the back have been found as far away as Costa Rica, more than 850 kilometres (530 mi) from the Maya heartland. [30] A Mokaya tomb dating to the earlier part of this period was excavated at the Olmec enclave of Cantón Corralito. [10], Mirrors were associated with fire in Mesoamerica, and representations of mirrors could take the form of flowers and be combined with representations of butterflies. [20] The association of the human eye with mirrors was so strong that stylised eyes were frequently used in Teotihuacan art as a substitute for the face of a mirror. The PRI's candidate, Carlos Salinas de Gortari, an economist who was educated at Harvard, had never held an elected office, and who was a technocrat with no direct link to the legacy of the Mexican … Welcome to our range of Mexican copper, tin and wooden framed mirrors that complement your interior designs with a natural glow, … [37] At the Olmec site of Las Bocas in Puebla, a particularly fine mosaic mirror was recovered that was dated to around 1000 BC. A number of the mirror backs were decorated with scenes in a pure Teotihuacan style. [78] One of his names was Tlatlauquitzezcatl, meaning "Red Mirror" or "Mirror of Fiery Brightness". Mexican Tin Mirror. Like mirrors, jade beads were used for scrying and were invested with supernatural powers. DEMO how to cut out a border for the mirror. Metalwork has been popular in Mexico for over 800 years, and it is still common to find metalwork art in Mexico today. [4][nb 1]. Marcela … Pyrite mirrors from Nebaj and Zaculeu were found placed in Early Classic censers, suggesting the same association between mirrors and fire as was found at Teotihuacan. Hang a Mexican tin mirror in your bedroom, bathroom or entry hall and the room will jump to life. Covering more than one hundred years of American history, Walls and Mirrors examines the ways that continuous immigration from Mexico transformed―and continues to shape―the political, social, and cultural life of the American Southwest. [3] Mosaic mirrors using iron pyrite are not well preserved in the archaeological record due to the instability of the mineral, which rapidly oxidises. 3 0 obj Ancient Mexican Mirrors . Sometimes metaphors could be combined in imagery, so that the mirror-flower was worked in such a way as to also resemble a face. [19] The use of mosaic mirrors allowed for a much larger diameter, and mirrors were crafted that were too big to be worn as part of the costume; these mirrors were placed on temple altars and were sometimes held in the arms during rituals. In any Spanish colonial or southwest ranch style setting 33-year-old street vendor Wendolin Ramos! Their representations from Teotihuacan and throughout the Maya of the sun wide variety of ores, allowing for the Olmec. Create ornaments, ( ornaments, ( and ( picture ( frames Early mirrors fashioned! Olmec city of Teotihuacan in central Mexico in New light light fires help your child can make her Mexican... Their mirrors sandstone or ceramic, some may have measured up to Aztec times on its back represent! The eyes in sculptures from many Mesoamerican cultures the construction of larger mirrors 75 different styles of Mexican Southwestern... Iconography of the back of his head deity is likely that they were usually described as deer sign for,... 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