And may we obey what we do here and understand. Jesus is the King, and the King does what the King wants to do because He’s the King. The people of this nation are in a covenant relationship with God, and they might outwardly appear to observe his Law. We went under the area of the western wall, which are the footings of Herod’s temple, the Herodian temple which stood in the time of our Lord. “‘Cut it down. It was a place for people, not sheep and goats. In fact there are some Orthodox Jews in Israel who do not recognize the State of Israel. Being reminded, Peter said to him, “Rabbi, look, the fig tree which you cursed has withered.” And Jesus answered saying to them, “Have faith in God.” (Mark 11:20–22) Look again at the last four words in that passage. Boy, when I see a verse like 22 of Matthew 21, “All things whatever you shall ask in prayer, believing you shall receive,” that’s a pretty dynamite promise, folks. And surely they would have provided that. That’s not mustard seed; that’s not getting stronger, and bigger, and larger. Do you think there’s a connection? Like grapes in the wilderness, I found Israel. And may we pray for mountains to be cast into seas. I tell you you’re overwhelmed with that when you’re there. We want to consider Matthew chapter 21, verse 18 through 22. Work in every heart this day. God is going to damn to eternal hell those people who have had a show of religion without the truth. And they’re in a constant state of vigilance. And it is still so. Without power. What we’re seeing now in Israel is not the regathering of the nation prophesied in the Bible. The next frame has no words. And for a fig tree to have leaves in April was very uncommon. d. Paul addresses this in his letter to the Romans. That’s what they’re saying. All rights reserved. Now, my job is not to harmonize all of that with God’s sovereignty. So Jesus cursed a fig tree. I want that. Oh, maybe this tree was at a very fertile point in the soil. Fig trees were everywhere in those days. Petition. Hosea 9:10. The beginning and the end help us to understand the middle. I preached this sermon at the First Congregational Church (UCC) of Lee, Massachusetts, on February 28, 2016 I just – I get tired of impotence. Right? This is similar to John – to Matthew 17:20. So, nothing really is changed. Because when He came in on Tuesday, and when He came in on the morning of Wednesday – on both of those two days, there was a fig tree that came into play. Now, obviously that’s not literal; that’s a picture of power. We stopped in Brussels, Belgium, and we got out into the airport, and they lined up a mass of them along the windows, and they began to do their genuflecting with the little boxes on their head and the phylacteries on their arms. That’s how small and how isolated it. And He says to them, “Your religion is corrupt, and your nation is corrupt, and they are doomed to judgment. It is a metaphor representing something else. 5/14/2011*5/14/2011. So, He says to them, “Let me tell you something, men. And he told his people, “If you have the faith to do it and just claim it, it’s positive confession faith. That isn’t what He’s talking about. And it has been a patient pronunciation. The second thing, cursing the tree, which we’ll see today, was a denunciation of them as a nation. Many have tried to explain this story to justify Jesus' actions. It is in the morning. A Sermon Delivered On Sunday Morning, March 20, 1870, By C. H. Spurgeon, At The Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington. And they’re cursed. Like this fig tree, the nation of Israel has a deceptive appearance. e. However, Paul and Jesus are not addressing hypocrisy in the Church. You know, that land has been denuded and stripped naked so many, many times, that they’re having a reforestation project now to put it back to what it used to be, but it was made naked by so many different conquerors who came in and built all their war machines out of the wood. The first principle, we could say, is the obvious truth that profession without reality is cursed. Registered User In to her words, He was attracted to it because it did have leaves. It is amazing that Jesus was able to pack so much activity into a seven day period of time. Deuteronomy chapter 28. I want the best that God wants for you. So, you start out small, and if it doesn’t happen, you don’t say, “Well, I give up. And again, that night, Tuesday night, He went back to Bethany, most likely, to spend the night in the home of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. They don’t recognize the State of Israel; therefore they trade only in the American dollar; they won’t use Israeli currency. It is faith in God as God is and God as God has revealed Himself to be. Faith is placing your confidence in God. And when evening came, Jesus and his disciples went out of the city. And the principle I want you to see because He points it out is in verses 21 and 22. The Fig Tree … Mark 11:20 and 21 indicates the next morning, when they came by, it had died from the roots up. “I built a moat around it, insulated it with a protective ceremonial system and social system. Thus, instead of merely cursing and killing a lowly fig tree, Jesus is saying that Judaism itself is cursed and will die off — “dry up at the roots,” as a later passage explains when the disciples see the tree the next day (in Matthew, the tree dies immediately). The keeper of the vineyard helped the tree by working the soil and adding fertilizer. Jesus spoke the Parable or the Lesson of the Fig Tree in Matthew 24:32-35 as such: “From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as … In Isaiah chapter 5, you have a similar kind of passage, where the Lord says, “I have planted a noble vine” – that’s the nation Israel – “and a very fruitful hill” – that’s the land of Canaan. The design of the temple included a place for Gentiles to congregate because God had called Abraham, the patriarch of the Jewish people, to be a blessing to ALL nations. He said, “You couldn’t do it because of your unbelief. He's swinging on a swing in the school playground. So, the eternal God would be born a King, coming into the world to establish Himself as rightful ruler. And that, my dear friends, is why they will be so ripe for the pact that they will make with the Antichrist, as Daniel 9 tells us, because they are still looking for the wrong thing. God's forgiveness, His love and ultimately His judgment. First of all, it’s spiritual. But this fig tree was unlike most fig trees. What has been created is a political state, but they’re still cursed. And if my faith will grow, and grow, and persist, and persist, and persist, I’ll see the power of God. Right? Pilate even said to Him, “Are you a king?”, He said, “You said it, but my kingdom is not of this world. And you’re just overwhelmed with this leaves without fruit kind of religion. This is the predicament. Parable of the Fruitless Fig Tree Luke 13.1-9 . Verse 22 is a dynamic verse. Blessed shalt thou be in the city, in the field. It is believing in God as God has revealed Himself. Well, it isn’t really connected with the lesson of the parable, but it’s connected with their response to the lesson. He cursed it. But there’s a lesson that He wants to give to His disciples. Sure there’s a connection. And they were awed by that, verse 20. Mustard seed starts small, gets big. Now, remember, as we approach this portion of Matthew 21. The second day, when they came back in by the same tree, they saw that it was already dead.” It wasn’t dying; it was already dead. ii. And here’s the important point: the fruit comes before the leaves. In verse 6, the Lord here speaks a parable, “A certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard. They are preserved, but they’re not blessed. The first day He’s on His way to the temple, and He stops and curses a fig tree because it has nothing but leaves. Instead of becoming a conqueror, He was a confronter. That’s not a very happy message to give them, but that’s the fact, because they continue to reject the Messiah. a. It was a fruitless tree, and it became for Him a profound illustration. So, we turn a little corner as we come to verse 21, and let’s call this the principle. That’s a profound lesson. We’ll praise you in Christ’s name, amen. It was the triumphal entry. Listen, you have to understand a little bit about fig trees, and I know as little as anybody, so I’ll tell you what I know. a. Jesus, among other things, was a prophet. And we saw them in the very special, holy place, the holiest place that they believe they have in their land, the place where they think they have access to the Holy of Holies, the escape hatch where the priest could get out when he got out in the Holy of Holies and wanted to get out and get cleansed and get back in without the people knowing. In other words, He pronounced its destruction; He pronounced its doom; He pronounced its death. But when He got there it says He found nothing on it but leaves only. a. I gave a winepress” – that’s a sacrificial system. Oh, that’s obvious. A very big event. Fig trees where the ‘Starbucks’ of the day. 32, 33). And what God is saying here is Israel is a nation with a pretense of religion that is unsaved, unredeemed, lost, cut off from God. It wasn’t fig season. And we watched these people, their hands against the wall, doing this and sticking prayer requests in cracks. Now, what is the parable? He said, “Learn the lesson of the fig tree.” We don’t know if Peter, James, John, or any of the earliest disciples understood what he meant. Their worship had become an exercise of hypocrisy. They are doing their thing. Now, the Jews believed that their King would come and would be a military leader; would save the State of Israel, if you will, from Roman bondage; would bring about a prosperity that was promised in the Old Testament. And if you don’t understand them, you won’t understand why they wanted Him dead. The Messiah would come, and He would come in judgment. The gardener who asks for more time in the life of the tree is Christ. He hungers for our holiness: he longs that his … Log In Verse 18, “Now in the morning, as He returned into the city, He was hungry.” Now, we’ll stop there for a moment. That is the first principle. So I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. And He pronounces judgment. They misunderstand the kingdom of God and the kingdom of the Messiah today as much as they did in the past. “When the disciples saw it, they marveled, saying, ‘How soon is the fig tree withered away!’” It died that fast. Calvin responds, "Forget it Mo. We had the privilege of meeting the chief rabbi of all the holy places, the chief rabbi of the State of Israel, and the man who was minister of religious affairs. Jesus cursed the fig tree, and thus He denounces their nation as fruitless. Let’s call this the predicament. I want the best that God wants for this ministry, whatever it is. In Psalm 2, and Psalm 45, and Psalm 72. That is why Mark interjects his account of the cleansing of the temple between the cursing of the fig tree and the discovery of the withered tree the following day. The rulers were very angry with Jesus, and they plotted to kill him. In a way, you could almost think of meeting under a fig-tree as the biblical equivalent of meeting at a Starbucks. And this is his whole message constantly to his people. Parable of the Fruitless Fig Tree – Luke 13:1-9 By Ron Latulippe on August 12, 2012 Download MP3 Tags: ... SERMON NOTES. The court of the gentiles was meant for the gentiles to be able to be present in the Temple so that they could come to know and fear the Lord. And I know God is in charge of everything, and I know He does exactly what He wants to do, but I also know the Bible says that I’m supposed to pray persistently; and I’m supposed to pray faithfully; and I’m supposed to pray, believing that what God says is what God wants, and what God says He’s able to do is, in fact, what He is able to do. What morning? Then in verse 15, “But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe to do all His commandments and His statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee: cursed shalt thou be in the city, in the field, thy basket, thy kneading trough, the fruit of thy body, the fruit of thy land, the increase of thy cows and the flocks of thy sheep. Because they believe that only the Messiah can restore the true State of Israel, and until that time, any attempt to do that is a false attempt. And the Lord is saying, “Look, I want you to know that You have this power. Intro: We are walking with Jesus and His disciples through the last week of His earthly life. “And I looked for it to bring forth grapes, and it brought forth sour berries. A sermon on the parable of the fig tree. In contrast, Jesus gave an extremely important prophecy that applies to our time. And so, He takes this illustration, and He turns it to a spiritual principle for them. He uses anything and everything to teach spiritual truth, and He does it here, too. And that is why they put Him to death. Picture a bully named Mo, twice as big as Calvin. (For the theological significance of this “intercalation,” see Overview, 11:15–19.) “Cursed shalt thou be when thou comest in; cursed shalt though be when thou goest out. You say, “Well, that doesn’t seem to be connected with the lesson. You should have had the faith of a grain of mustard seed.”, You say, “Now wait a minute. They stripped the woods bare. This morning we continue with our sermon series on the parables of Christ. He's swinging on a swing in the school playground. I’m weary of a life without power. Devastating. The pilot is saying, “Please be seated and buckle your seatbelt,” or “Take your seat in the aisle; we’re trying to serve lunch,” or whatever. “I took all the stones out” - removed all the enemies. The Everliving Story: The Parable of the Budding Fig Tree (Dr. Jerry Harmon 12/06/20) - Sermon Videos This message was preached by Dr. Jerry Harmon at Grace Bible Baptist Church located at 1518 N. Rolling Road, Catonsville, Maryland 21228 (410-788-6132). The fruit of thy body, the fruit of the ground, the fruit of thy cattle, the increase of thy cows, the flocks of thy sheep, thy basket, thy kneading trough. However, the nation as a whole has proved to be both lacking faith and barren of good fruitage. He wants the swing and says, "Get off the swing, Twinky." And so, when He comes, just after He’s been inaugurated King, He does two things immediately. That’s essentially the message of Jesus as the King. You go to Matthew chapter 13, the parable of the four soils, and you find the good soil, and the good soil is seen as good soil because it produces – what? That’s in Mark chapter 11. But in order to share faith one must live by faith, and forgive others no matter what the offence. Wait your turn." Jesus cleansed the temple, and thus He denounced their religion. It is a beautiful drive, with the river on one side and farmland on the other side. Having faith is trusting in the revelation of God. So the temple would sell them at a premium price because people needed them. And the Lord wants to use this to teach them something. He accomplished much during those seven days and not a single moment was wasted by our Lord. We are called to open up our temple courts and share our faith with everyone. Jesus of Nazareth Meets Nathanael of the Fig Tree – A Sermon on John 1:43-51, Epiphany 2B The collect and readings for the Second Sunday after Epiphany may be found here . And then from there, He goes right in and cleanses the temple. Church Seasons, Lectionary, Sermon. “And as we ask in prayer, believing, we receive.” Oh, not that we may consume it on our lusts, because James 4:3 says we won’t get those kind of things. Mark tells us the first meeting with the fig tree was on the first day He came in to cleanse the temple. Okay? In this case the fig tree story helps us to understand what Jesus is doing clearing the Temple. And some of you are not seeing God work in your life simply because there’s no persistence in your prayer; there’s no continuance in your prayer; there’s no strengthening. Jesus gave clear instructions to the early disciples. And they think they’ve found that, and they said it’s the holiest place in all of Israel. This is His message the next day, “You’re doomed.” Boy, they really didn’t expect their Messiah to come to deliver that word, did they? They would have nothing to do with Him, and they said it, “We will not have this man to reign over us. You can watch a teaching demonstration of this children’s sermon on our YouTube Don’t miss the Bible craft ideas for this same passage We post new sermons for kids every week with video demonstrations to help you prepare or to send to your church families Compare “The Waiting Place” from Sermons4Kids It may have been that it was near a brook, and water was in abundance, provided to the roots. The celebration of the Passover, a feast of obligation for every Jew was one of the most lucrative seasons of all. c. The people of Israel had the mission of proclaiming the truth of God not just to themselves but to ALL people. The first thing He did was cleanse the temple; the second thing He did was curse the tree. The first thing, cleansing the temple, was a denunciation of their religion. It was just a roadside tree. 21 And Peter calling to remembrance saith unto him, Master, behold, the fig tree which thou cursedst is withered away. f. There is a direct link between the cursing of the fig tree and the cleansing of the Temple. We think that God builds His Church by better programs. They know no rest. He warned his disciples about the Pharisees, but they are not the real problem. The first three verses of this section form the second part of the story of the fig tree (11:12–14), which sandwiches the account of the cleansing of the temple. Well, I believe, because I believe.” Faith is placing confidence in something you know that is true. If you didn’t bring a Bible along, there’s one in the pew near you, I trust, or you might look on with someone nearby. In other words, the faith that we must have in prayer is not faith in our ideas. And then the second day, when He came back again, there was a second encounter with the fig tree. Mark tells us the first meeting with the fig tree was on the first day He came in to cleanse the temple. b. 22 And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God. It’s the same thing, “You disobey Me, you are under judgment.” And they’re under that. What you’re seeing now is just some preliminary activity. The story tells us that the tree was in full bloom, so Jesus would have expected there to be figs. a. The acceptable year of the Lord was really over, and He was pronouncing judgment. In the latest sermon of our Encounter Series lead pastor of Bridge Church, James Roberson, encouraged us to live authentic lives marked by the power of the Holy Spirit. Rooting up mountains became a metaphor for dealing with difficulty, dealing with impossible situations. Volume 35 2 2 of a tree has been the quickening of many a soul; and if it had not been so, it was no loss to any that a tree should wither when it had proved itself barren. Guest. They are still looking for an economic deliverer. And that’s what our Lord saw. The leaves are symbolic of Israel’s religious activity, and the fruitlessness is equally symbolic of Israel. c. Hypocrisy is one of the top ten objections that many people have against the Church. Mark says the first morning He came in, found the tree, cursed it. They have a form of godliness. We watched all of this, and all this religion going on all around, and you’re just overwhelmed with the fact that it’s all without any righteous fruit. And as you study the Old Testament, this is reiterated again and again and again. We saw some of them. Big Idea: Jesus cleared the temple so ALL people could hear about God, we are called to a purpose that is all inclusive. b. because Jesus went against the status quo, and they feared His influence with the people. It was all established in Deuteronomy 28. b. Everywhere you go there are soldiers who are armed with machine guns – all over the place. They turned it into something that the Gentiles would have no use for. Truly I tell you, if you say to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and thrown into the sea,’ and if you do not doubt in your heart, but believe that what you say will come to pass, it will be done for you. tares and weeds/We reap, with toil and pain/Nothing but leaves!/Nothing but leaves; memory weaves/No veil to hide the past/As we retrace our weary way/Counting each lost and misspent day/We find, sadly, at last/Nothing but leaves!/And shall we meet the Master so/Bearing our withered leaves?/The Savior looks for perfect fruit/We stand before Him, humbled, mute/Waiting the words He breathes/’Nothing but leaves?’”. “And he answering said unto him, ‘Lord, let it alone this year also, till I shall dig about it and fertilize it. Verse 49 says, “The Lord’s going to bring a nation against you from the end of the earth, as swift as an eagle; a nation whose tongue you don’t understand.” And all of that is curse. It may have been that He’d been in spiritual battle. We are going to be studying three more parables before we leave this series on … And upon entering the temple, He said, “This is a den of thieves; it should be a house of prayer.” And He proceeded to cleanse the temple. The Christians in the land of Israel today are almost invisible. The fig tree is given another chance, but it is not just left to produce fruit on its own. Fig trees where the ‘Starbucks’ of the day. In Luke, there’s an interesting use of this same picture in the 13th chapter. If you have faith and don’t doubt, you’ll not only be able to do things like that, but you could say to this mountain” – and that would no doubt refer to the Mount of Olives – “‘Be cast into the sea’” – and the sea that was on the backside of that would have been the Dead Sea, 4,000 feet down – “You could say to this mountain, ‘Dump yourself into that sea,’ and it would be done.”. And it was all nothing but leaves, because they have denied the truth of God. Now, people, the cleansing of the temple and the cursing of the tree then, you see, is very dramatic, don’t you? When we left New York, we were on the plane with a whole lot of Orthodox Jews committed to Orthodox performance. The test of whether one could expect figs from a fig tree was not the time of year but whether the foliage of the tree was in full bloom. In 2 Samuel chapter 7, it is promised that David would have a greater son, a son who would be an eternal King. Will be upon His shoulder. ” Zechariah 9 talks about His kingliness there! Me, you will receive an email with a whole has proved to be Christ... Beautiful drive, with the lesson place and need to buy animals for their Passover sacrifice wants to to! C. the people turn a little bit of a grain of mustard seed ’ s going on 45, again! God has revealed Himself to be in the eastern gate Jesus Christ and Him. Amazing that Jesus was able to make it all work out the enemy, was... 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