At that time many people in our village did not know English. The villagers flocked to the boy’s house to see him. 4. Discuss. She had lost her parents. But really, the surname was Lahiri Sarkar, where Sarkar is a title. Ranga was made to believe that even according to the Shastras he was destined to marry Ratna. However, the narrator takes the reader on a tour of his village, Hosahalli, explaining the specialities about it. What is so special about the village Hosahalli, according to the narrator? It is located in the Turuvekere taluk of Tumkur district in Karnataka. the eleven-year-old niece of Rama Rao. Materialism has made us forget the values of human relations. He did the traditional namaskar and all dispersed. That afternoon, Ranga came to Shyama’s house with a couple of oranges. “Words, mere words! Hosahalli Schools and colleges . Ratna comes to fetch buttermilk. However, to their dismay, he still has the same eyes and mouth and everything else. He stood at the door and looked in. That very afternoon Shyama met Ranga who seemed lost in thought. Then with the help of the village astrologer, the narrator convinces Ranga that Rama was the girl for him. The best way to know the village is to visit it. They should not give consent to such marriages. The narrator belongs to Hosahalli, a village in the erstwhile Mysore State. He lists a number of distinctive features of the place. The reason is that the story is about a common boy, Ranga, and his marriage. ~ Apart from the two special produces of Hosahalli in Karigadabu and flowers, the author tells us about the mango of the village. Covering an area of 88,752 km 2 (34,267 sq mi), it is also the seventh-most populous country subdivision of the world. What was the writer's need to rope in the Shastri into his plan? The narrator told a lie that she was married a year ago. Ranga was the son of an accountant of Hosahalli village. Ans. Then he declared that Ranga was thinking about some girl. Answer- The name of the narrator is Shyama. Ans. He lays a trap for Ranga. lie thought of Rama. He does not believe in the English culture. As fixed up already, he took out his astrology books and made some calculations. If he failed to find the girl of his choice, he was ready to remain a bachelor. Even though Ranga was an educated boy and was determined to get married to a girl who is mature enough, Shyama got him married to Ratna, who was much younger and not at all the kind of girl he would have married. His style of narration evokes a lot of humor in the story. The village accountant was the first one who sent his son Ranga to Bangalore to pursue his studies. Today, our women are no longer the slaves of men. Ans. Shyama played a key role in her marriage with Ranga. Ranga – son of the village accountant 3. How did Ranga and Ratna express their gratitude to the narrator? He lists a number of distinctive features of the place ,the people and their mind sets. Early marriage was a common practice. However, the narrator takes the reader on a tour of his village, Hosahalli, explaining the specialities about it. Shyama then spoke to Ranga who did a. He says that the description ( जिक्र ) of his village ( Hosahalli) is not given in any Geography book. What does he say? Answer 2: Shyama, a person who is too attached to his soil and his village, is the narrator of Ranga's Marriage. However, the narrator takes the reader on a tour of his village, Hosahalli, explaining the specialities about it. Ranga invited the narrator for dinner at his house on the child’s birthday. To fight this evil, young boys and girls should willingly come forward to oppose this tradition. One day, Ranga came to Shyama’s house to invite him to dinner. What were Ranga’s views on the selection of a bride and marriage in general? 2. But the narrator played his cards tactfully. Ten years ago when the village accountant sent his son Ranga to Bangalore for studies, the situation in the village was different. Report Writing Samples : Sports Day Celebration, 19. Since she was from a big town, she knew how to play the veena and the harmonium. The narrator highlights its importance by comparing it to the filling of the karigadubu—a festival meal. Ranga’s face contracted like roasted brinjal. Shastriji – a village astrologer. He conspired with Shastri to further Ranga’s interest in Ratna. 2. He is an elderly gentleman and refers to himself as a dark piece of oil cake. 2. The … But Ranga had his own views about an ideal life-partner. Ranga was convinced that even stars wanted that he should marry Ratna. Ranga fell for the sweet-voiced young and pretty girl. His homecoming became a great event. He was willing to remain single until he found the right gid. Ans. We can conclude that we should try to form an amalgamation of positive points of different cultures and make this world a better place to live in. Shyama told a lie that Ratna was married a year ago. Now I will narrate an incident that had happened about 10 years ago. Several years passed since the marriage of Ranga and Ratna. Child marriage snatches away childhood and its dreams. It is good that it has made us broad-minded and we have rejected many age-old and outdated rites and rituals. Ans. Q6. Then there are some special mango trees and a creeper growing in the village pond. Shyama, a person who is too attached to his soil and his village, is the narrator of Ranga's Marriage. He tells how 10 decades ago there was no such culture and how he thinks that the language has changed the atmosphere totally. They noticed no change in Ranga. The bad thing is the unmindful aping of other cultures. So when the village accountant sent his son Ranga to Bangalore to study, it became news. Hosahalli village is located in Nelamangala Tehsil of Bangalore Rural district in Karnataka, India. The narrator resolved to get him married. 6. Most of the villagers don't know English. The village accountant was the first one who sent his son Ranga to Bangalore to pursue his studies. He seeks the support of Shastri’s astrology to bring Ratna round. Shyama, a person who is too attached to his soil and his village, is the narrator of Ranga’s Marriage. CBSE Class 11 English Snapshots book Chapter 3 “Ranga’s Marriage” Multiple Choice Questions ‌(MCQs‌) with Answers. document.write('This conversation is already closed by Expert'); Copyright © 2021 Applect Learning Systems Pvt. There is no mention of the village in any geographical book. Hosahalli is a nondescriptive village in Mysore State. The narrator brought Ratna and Ranga face to face at his own house. The narrator sought the help of Shastri in bringing Ranga and Rama together. When the story starts the reader expects something about a marriage happening. Hosahalli Village Map. The narrator seems to be greatly proud of his village and talks so glowingly of it and its people. The boy is the son of the accountant of the village. It was silly to marry a very young and immature girl. It was considered a very courageous step. Ans. Shyama, a person who is too attached to his soil and his village, is the narrator of Ranga's Marriage. He shares that the sourness of the raw mango’s bite is sure to get straight to the Brahmarandhra, i.e. 1. He is an accountant’s son and native of village Hosahalli. Shyama was also a part of the crowd. The narrator speaks elaborately of his village, Hosahalli in Mysore. This shows his beliefs in arrange marriage and also that he was a determined person who always got done what he had decided. He does not believe in the English culture. Ranga’s Marriage is an interesting story of how a person manipulates to get a young boy married to an eleven-year-old girl in a village. Ans. Shyama, the narrator of the story Rangas Marriage is also the central character. Shyama, the narrator, resolves to get Ranga married. An old lady even ran her hand over Ranga’s chest. How does the writer describe his village, Hosahalli? He is passionately in love with his village and the villagers and … But Ranga declared point blank that he was not going to marry unless he found the right girl. He reveals his pride in his small village Hosahalli when he speaks glowingly of it. He was willing to remain single until he found the right gid. 5. He brought Ranga and Ratna face to face. Hosahalli. The narrator belongs to Hosahalli, a village in the erstwhile Mysore State. Materialism has made us forget the values of human relations. Ranga was the son of an accountant of Hosahalli village. the eleven-year-old niece of Rama Rao. The news spread like wildfire. Ranga was sad and disappointed on hearing this. Answer: The narrator says it is a ‘pity’ if one has not heard of his village Hosahalli. He does not believe in the English culture. Rangappa, the son of a village accountant, is sent to Bangalore to study. Hosahalli is to Mysore state what the sweet ‘Karigadabu’ is to a festive meal in South India. In those days, not many people could speak or even understand English. They were disappointed. What about Ranga impressed the writer in the first meeting? That afternoon, Ranga came to Shyama’s house with a couple of oranges. Shyama, a person who is too attached to his soil and his village, is the narrator of Ranga’s Marriage. The narrator of Ranga’s Marriage, Shyama is a person who is very much attached to his soil and his village. Students progress at their own pace and you see a leaderboard and live results. Ans. He was against the arranged marriage. Ratna – a girl of 11, Rama Rao’s niece. It is good that it has made us broad-minded and we have rejected many age-old and outdated rites and rituals. Shyama, a person who is too attached to his soil and his village, is the narrator of Ranga's Marriage. The narrator says that he feels offended that the name of his village does not find mention in any of the Geography books written by Englishmen. The narrator discusses the issue of marriage with Ranga. The narrator noted Ranga’s growing interest in Rama. Important Word-Meanings of difficult words from the lesson- (Ranga’s Marriage), rare breed–uncommon type, विरले किस्म के; folk–people,लोग; pursue–carry on, go ahead with,आगे बढ़ने हेतु; mill–gather, make a crowd,भीड़ लगा लेते हैं; mouth filling–big and high sounding,भारी भरकम; wedding–marriage,विवाह; hence–therefore,अतएव; fancy–attractive,आकर्षण; mention–reference,जिक्र; probably–perhaps,शायद; cartographer–one who draws maps of a territory,नक्शा नवीस ; shadow–trace,चिह्न; karigadabu–a South Indian fried sweet,दक्षिण भारत की एक मिठाई; absolutely–completely,पूर्णरूप से ; object–oppose,प्रतिवाद करना,विरोध करना; stuck to–clung to,अड़े रहना; glowingly–in a praising manner,प्रशंसात्मक तरीके से ; annayya–a respectful term for an elder, आदर सूचक शब्द; flea–pestered– troubled by flea or insects,पिस्सू द्वारा परेशान; raw–unripe,कच्चा,हरा; sourness–the tangy taste, खट्टापन; creeper–trailing plant,लता,बेल; behold–see,देखना; feast–lovely, pleasant,सुखद; rambling–going off the point,भटकनाl, disgraceful– humiliating, shameful,शर्मनाक; change–loose small coins,सिक्के,रेजगारी; muttering–mumbling not speaking clearly,बुड़-बुड़ करती; priceless commodity–useful thing,बहुमूल्य वस्तु; decade–a period of ten years,दशक; immature–not mature, childish,बचकाना; janewalrua– the sacred thread worn by the Brahmans,जनेऊ; melted away–dispersed,तितर-बितर हो गया; lump–  a shapeless mass,ढेला; blessing–good wishes,आशीर्वाद; aspect–side, part, पहलू ; assessed–estimated, judged,परखा हुआ था; stiff–inflexible, hard and upright,सख्त; pleasantries–light conversation,हल्की फुल्की बातें ; considerate–thoughtful, विचारशील; generous–charitable,उदार मना; recently–sometime back,पिछले दिनों ; troupe–party or company of performers,मण्डली ; mature–intelligent, fully developed, परिपक्व बुद्धि वाला ; stains–spots,धब्बे ; bitter gourd–a vegetable,करेला; distressed–pained,दुखी; chatting–talking,बतियाना made up my mind–determined,निश्चय कर लिया I, frequent–almost regular,अक्सर; fetch–bring, take,ले जाए; threshold–doorstep,दहलीज़; curious–eager, उत्सुक; peeped in–looked in secretly,झाँक ा; blocked–covered, stopped,बंद हो गया; abruptly–suddenly, all at once,बंद हो गया, savouring–tasting,स्वाद लेना; peel–outer skin,छिलका; disappointment–loss of hope,निराशा,उदासी ; glanced–looked,देखा ; embarrassed–ashamed, upset,शर्मिन्दा ; overcome by shyness–feeling very shy,लाज से दबी ; shelter–refuge,शरण,आश्रय ; vowed–took a pledge, swore,शपथ लेना; fled–ran away, escaped,भाग गया; betray–show,दिखाई देना; shrivelled–contracted,सिकुड़ गया; roasted–baked on tire, भुना हुआ ; brinjal–a vegetable,बैंगन; tutored –instructed, taught,सिखा दिया l, usual–normal, as on other occasions,सामान्य; process–activity,प्रक्रिया; protest–objection,विरोध ,प्रतिवाद ; rarely–not often or frequent,बहुत कम; paraphernalia–books, etc., पोथी पत्र ; astrology–the science of foretelling, ज्योतिष विधा ; ancient–very old, अति प्राचीन; indicated–showed, told through movement of head,संकेत दिया ; moss–small green plants,काई ; pearl–a precious round cream-coloured stone,रत्न; negotiations–talks about marriage,विवाह वार्ता ; bear fruit–prove successful,सफल होना ; face had fallen–looked sad, उदास हो गय ा; marvellous–wonderful, grand, भव्य; tiny–very small,छोटा I, Short and Simple Summary of the lesson in English– (Ranga’s Marriage)/ Summary in simple Words/ Critical appreciation of the lesson – (Ranga’s Marriage). 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